The Committee is responsible for planting flowers throughout Town, as well as hosting community clean-up of the Town Parking Lot, Community Center and Town Park.
Beautification Committee meetings are held at the Holland Town Hall on the second Monday of the month at 8 am. At the meetings, current activities and future programs to improve the Town of Holland's appearance are discussed. The Committee is instrumental in deferring costs that would normally be added to the current Town of Holland's budget by volunteering their time to plant the flowers for the flower boxes that are placed along Main Street, planting the tulips that look so beautiful during Tulip Festival, and disposing of trash and other items that accumulate at the Town Parking Lot, Community Center and Town Park.
The Committee has also assisted Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts with their Eagle and Silver projects, continued to offer community service programs for local students, and helped families share volunteerism with their children, making a positive difference in the way our Town looks.
If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to offer suggestions, please attend a monthly meeting. Families, students and residents of all ages are welcome! You decide on the amount of time that you can volunteer and the activities you would like to help with.
If you have questions or may not be able to attend meetings but would like to become a part of the Beautification Committee, please contact Councilwoman Lynne Roth 716-574-7382